West Ripley Baptist Church was founded in 1965 by a small group of Godly men and women through a revival held by Rev. John Snedden, of the Ohio Baptist Convention. After meeting in homes and a storefront for a few years, God blessed this work. In 1968, the first building of West Ripley was completed. In 1995, the latest addition to the church was completed – consisting of a library, a beautiful sanctuary, and office space.
We are the church on the hill above NAPA in west Ripley. We remain continually thankful to God for His wonderful grace and blessing on our lives and our church.
West Ripley Baptist Church is an independent and autonomous congregation of like-minded believers in Jesus Christ. We have chosen to affiliate with the Immanuel Baptist Association to better reach the lost locally through church planting and missions. We are also affiliated with the West Virginia Convention of Southern Baptists for the purpose of missions that touch lives and reach the lost throughout our state. God has also led us to be affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention – as we seek to fulfill the Great Commission through our volunteer and full-time missionaries throughout our nation and world.
Links For More Information on the WVCSB and SBC:
West Virginia Convention Of Southern Baptists